Registration SMETA

Registration Merlini Srl SMETA (code N. ZC1066449)


Consumers safety

The Company mainly focuses its attention on the food safety. The quality of our products is insured from different elements. The Merlini follows the principles of the HACCP and it is regularly submitted to controls and certifications. It refuses the OGMs and it continues to predispose strategies methods of prevention and abatement of the contaminations.
Furthermore the Company guarantees the food safety, monitoring the presence of allergens. Systems of selection have been implemented applied by the operational personnel, that devotes itself with scrupulousness from the controls of the raw materials to all the phases of the productive process, to guarantee to the consumer the high preset qualitative standards.


Shown below the list of the main normatives of reference in subject of mushrooms and not:

  • harvest and marketing of epigeous mushrooms(D. Lgs 376/95, L. 352/93);
  • Food hygiene and safety(Reg CE 852/2004, Reg CE 178/2002);
  • Labeling (Reg CE 1169/2011);
  • Pesticides and contaminants (Reg CE 396/2005 ,Reg CE 1181/2006);
  • Frozen products (D.Lgs 110/1992);
  • Genetically modified organisms(Reg. CE 1829/2003);
  • Allergens (Reg CE 68/2007);
  • Biological (Reg CE 889/2008, Reg CE 834/2007).


SMETA standard of ethics

The company conforms to the international ethical standards thanks to the implementation of the business ethical code(certificate SMETA), where it refuses the child labor, it commits to guarantee the safety and the salubriousness on the place of employment.

Research and development

Our company develops analysis of laboratory both on the raw material both on the products destined to the consumer; additionally it uses some collaboration of a mycologist for the identification and the verification of the fungal species. A competent team always adjourned is active in the continuous research of new techniques of trial and to realize new products.

An experienced and creative team elaborates new recipes, with the purpose to satisfy the most discerning palates of Consumers, rediscovering the taste for the traditional Italian kitchen and also new international and ethnic tastes.

They were born in this way tastes of the tradition: the polenta and mushrooms, the gnome’s soup, diavola appetizers, trifolati mushrooms (cooked in olive oil, parsley and garlic), trifolati artichokes, etc.

Pruducts with an international character: mixed mushrooms with vegetables, wok of mushrooms and vegetables, mixed mushrooms with zucchini and speck etc. New recipes and compositions not only for the frozen products, but also for the classical traditional dry mushrooms and in oil appetizers, compositions and combinings in continuous evolution to the purpose of research of curious products, able to surprise and conquer the consumer.

Approach TPM = Total Production Manteinance

With the implementation in company of the organizational approach TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), through the involvement and the motivation of the whole personnel of the firm, we are aiming to maximize the efficiency of the machines and the plants and also to remove all the losses.

Other research projects

Our experience has made available for other projects:

Wild mushrooms and their environment

  • It is known that mushrooms constitute a microenvironment of vital importance for numerous kinds of bugs, that find shelter and they complete their vital cycle feeding.
    We participate in studies that have the purpose to limit or remove its presence in the mushrooms, through activities of reseach from the environment of growth, to the origin, to the conditions or typologies of making and abatement in process phase.

Pesticide residue

  • While for the spontaneous mushroom we cannot absolutely speak of antiparasitical treatments, we can do that for the cultivated mushrooms. Our objective is to reach products in which the content of residues of the treatments is removed.